Safety First
There are currently no national industry standards for candles in Australia or New Zealand, including safety regulations, apart from the mandatory lead-free wick. This means anyone can make and sell candles, of any kind, in any jar, using any scent additives, without having to think twice about quality and safety.
At Candle Kiosk, we take quality seriously and our candles are regularly tested by SGS, the world's leading independent inspection, verification, testing and certification company, and a benchmark for quality and integrity.
Our candles have passed the following quality and safety tests:
- Standard Specification for Fire Safety for Candles (ASTM F-2417)
- Australia Mandatory Standard for Candles with Wicks (Trade Practices Act 1974, Consumer Protection Notice No. 7 of 2002)
Quality matters. Not sure about what you're buying? Start asking questions.
Read here for more tips on how to burn candles safely.
1 comment
Wow, I learn something new every day! It wouldn’t have even occurred to me that candles would go through quality testing, etc! ❤️